
My research focuses on managerially and societally relevant issues in the domains of non-product and product market strategies. My research has been published in several leading journals in marketing including Journal of Marketing, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Journal of Retailing, Journal of Interactive Marketing, Journal of Business Research, and the Journal of Public Policy and Marketing.

My article on electronic word-of-mouth, published in the Journal of Marketing, earned the 2015 MSI/H. Paul Root Award and was a finalist for the 2020 Sheth Foundation/Journal of Marketing Award for long-term contributions to the field of marketing. I serve on the editorial review board of Journal of Business Research (Retail) and Journal of Public Policy and Marketing. I have also been the special issue editor for political activity and marketing in the Journal of Public Policy and Marketing.


Business-Government Interactions

Marketing, Political Activity and Socio-Political Activism

Social Media


Technology and Marketing


“Can Advertising Benefit Women’s Development? Preliminary Insights from a Multi-Method Investigation”

Vadakkepatt, Gautham G., Andrew Bryant, Ronald. P. Hill, and Joshua Nunziato

Journal of  the Academy of Marketing Science, just accepted

“Lobbying and the Like: Managing the Regulatory Environment,”

Kelly Martin, Brett Josephson, Gautham Vadakkepatt and Jean Johnson

NIM Marketing Intelligence Review, 13(2), 38-43.

“Shedding Light on the Dark Side of Firm Lobbying: A Customer Perspective”

Vadakkepatt, Gautham G., Sandeep Arora, Kelly D. Martin and Neeru Paharia

Journal of Marketing, forthcoming

“Should Firms Invest More in Marketing or R&D to Maintain Sales Leadership? An Empirical Analysis of  Sales Leader Firms”

Vadakkepatt, Gautham G., Venkatesh Shankar and Rajan Varadarajan

Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 49, 1088-1108

“Sustainable Retailing”

Gautham Vadakkepatt, Karen Winterich, Vikas Mittal, Lauren Beitelspacher, Walter Zinn, John Aloysius, Jessica Ginger, Julie Reilman, Emi Caarderalli and Jerod Mounce

Journal of Retailing, forthcoming

“Marketing’s Role in Understanding Political Activity”

Korschun, Daniel, Kelly D. Martin and Gautham G. Vadakkepatt (forthcoming)

Journal of Public Policy & Marketing, guest editorial, Special Issue on Political Activity and Marketing (equal contribution by authors, authors are listed alphabetically)

“Examining Moral Authority in the Marketplace: A Conceptualization and Framework”

Hoppner, Jessica and Vadakkepatt, Gautham (2019),

Journal of Business Research, 45, 417-427.

“Political Management, R&D, and Advertising Capital in the Pharmaceutical Industry: A Good Prognosis?”

Martin, Kelly D., Brett Josephson, Gautham G. Vadakkepatt, and Jean J. Johnson (2018) ,

Journal of Marketing, 82(3), 87-107. (Equal contribution by authors)

“A Meta-analysis of Electronic Word-of-Mouth Elasticity”

Ya, You, Gautham G. Vadakkepatt, and Amit Joshi (2015)

Journal of Marketing, 79(2), 19- 39. (Equal contribution by authors)

“Interactive Technologies and Retailing Strategy: A Capabilities Endowment Framework”

Varadarajan, Rajan, Raji Srinivasan, Gautham Gopal Vadakkepatt, Manjit S. Yadav, Paul A. Pavlou, Sandeep Krishnamurthy and Tome Krause (2010)

Journal of Interactive Marketing, 24(2), 96-110